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Over the last couple of weeks, there have been a couple of stories that I wanted to share with you all, incase you have not seen them, concerning Community Moderation Services. We were contacted by ABC News, who wrote a well balanced article around Moderation services. The reporter, Ki Mae Heussner, contacted many of the major Moderation service providers which described who these people are, and why they are important. She also personally met with one of our staff members to discuss the day-to-day aspects of the position.

The fact of the matter is that these are professional people who are watching over online communities. The perception that Moderation teams are sitting around in their PJ’s all day is not the case. These positions are filled by professional individuals with Communication degrees, PR degrees and experiences, and Business management skills among others. They represent single mom’s, students, grandparents and every other demographic that you could imagine. Moderation businesses should ensure that they have a true cross-section of Moderation team members on staff so they can provide their services within any potential client community.

Just today, Mzinga also announced a partnership with Intercasting, a company that allows people to upload content within their Mobile application. The story was also picked up by Mobile Marketer, and can be read here. This goes to show that it is not just online area’s that need to have moderation services. Mobile technology services and providers is also concerned with UGC, as they should be. As businesses begin to embrace Social Networking and UGC, the hope is that they all also understand the importance of Moderation services, in some way/shape/form. Whether it is simply removing content and developing policies, or if it extends out to proactively participating and facilitating discussions, Moderation services are the key to a providing members with a vibrant and successful community.

As always, thanks for reading,


Note: Cross-posted at


I am currently employed at Bose as the Digital Platform Manager, leveraging Ratings & Reviews and Community content to increase customer acquisition and retention

Community Roundtable

October 2008